If the miles behind me could be put into words before you, you would feel my efforts, my struggles, my desires. Most of all you would see my joy. Watch me from afar run the trails and hills and miles upon miles and you will see ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On to Italy

Thirteen hours to go and I'm flying out of here for the last long run of '08. I'm not sure what to expect this time around other than:

  • I will finish
  • I will not be first or last
  • I will be super sore for three days after
  • I will be glad to take some time off after

I'll be pondering next year on the plane ride home. One thing is for sure - I won't be doing a race every two or three weeks (sigh of relief from Carrie) like this year or burn-out will become a reality. 

If anyone is awake on Nov. 8th at 1 am, you might be able to catch the start at International Association of Ultrarunners. If not, the results will still be there around 9 am hopefully if the wheels don't totally fall off. If they do, it will probably be because I passed a bakery and was lured in by the sweet smells of chocolate croissants. If there are any web cafes close by, I'll try and drop another post before race day.


don said...

Best of luck Darin. You go boy! I will be there to cheer you on (virtually).

Ocho said...

Go out hard and just stay there Darin. Compared to Greece this should be a snap, don't worry about the legs or the IT band, just run like hell. Then enjoy the time off. Best of luck to you and Carrie.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck, have fun, go hard. It's only 100K... GO CANADA. See you when you/I get back.

Gary Robbins said...

Best of luck over there Darin, continue kicking ass!!